‘Sight’ is an emotional and amazing story

Category: Movies

Terry Chen stars in the film Sight which takes viewers on a roller coaster ride of emotions as it follows the life and career of world-renowned eye surgeon Dr. Ming Wang. This is a true story and at the end of the film the real Dr. Wang appears to discuss what viewers saw and to provide additional information.

Simply put, Dr. Wang’s journey from his childhood in China to his exemplary career in America is nothing short of magnificent and awe-inspiring. It is definitely heartening to see how this man rose above the hardships of his experiences in China with the determination to be a doctor and help people. That was his goal in life and he has achieved that to the nth degree.

Greg Kinnear co-stars as his assistant Misha Bartnovsky at the Wang Institute in Nashville. While Wang is the super brain of the Institute, Bartnovsky is right there by his side nudging him on and encouraging him when he has doubts.

Ben Wang stars as the teenage Ming whose only goal was to be a doctor. The story goes back even further with Jayden Zhang as Ming when he was 8 years old. His parents encouraged his studies as they were both accomplished scientists. Then the uprising came to their town and all their hopes and dreams went up in flames… literally. 

Dr. Wang man is brilliant and managed, as a teen, to get accepted to MIT where he performed at the top of his class. Being Chinese came with barriers, but he never wavered from his goal. Then, with his amazing MCAT scores, Ming was off to medical school.

The film jumps back and forth between Ming’s life in China and his life at the Institute in Nashville. All the while, his memories come flashing back. His best friend Lili was taken by the revolutionists and never seen again. This haunted him as he reflected back on all the ups and downs that his family experiences in China.

The uprising might have derailed him but that was only for a short time. He was too intelligent and had too much tenacity to let that stop him from being a doctor. And his goal and achievement of helping people is his legacy.

Ming’s main desire was and is to restore sight to those who have lost it or never had it. When a young Indian girl is brought to the Institute, her eyes had been completely damaged. Kajal (Mia SwamiNathan) was a sweet girl with a wonderful outlook on life, even though she had been treated so badly causing her to lose her sight. Ming tried his best to restore her vision. It was a case that still remains in his heart to this day. 

The film takes viewers on a roller coaster ride of emotions. From the tragedies of China to the hope within his family in China, his young years were filled with ups and downs. Then in America his steadfastness to get into medical school was also fraught with ups and downs. And finally, as a last hope for blind children, he has been successful and also had some disappointments. Nothing is perfect, although Dr. Wang pushed himself to be perfect in every operation. 

Dr. Wang has performed over 55,000 procedures (not all on the sightless) and he is one of the surgeons other doctors go to for their own eye surgeries, whether their issue is cataracts, LASIK, or something else. That alone is a testament to how well though of he is and how good a doctor he is.

He has received awards and published over 100 papers. Not only is he a top doctor, he is a philanthropist and set up an institute to restore sight to children, all without cost to their families. 

Sight is a story that deserves to be seen. It will touch your heart and mind and give inspiration to those who have their own dreams. 

The film is rated PG-13 for violence and thematic material. It opens nationally May 24, 2024. It’s a clear winner for upcoming awards (no pun intended).

Check out the website for tickets and times.

About the Author

Francine Brokaw has been covering all aspects of the entertainment industry for over 30 years. She also writes about products and travel. She has been published in national and international newspapers and magazines as well as Internet websites. She has written her own book, Beyond the Red Carpet The World of Entertainment Journalists, is the entertainment correspondent for Good Day Orange County, and has her own TV show, Beyond the Red Carpet, on Village Television in Orange County. She is a longstanding member of the Television Critics Association and is accredited by the MPAA.