I Gotta Go With...

Ages:14 - 103

I Gotta Go With… is the NEW ULTIMATE party game that has everyone talking POP CULTURE! The game can be super competitive, throat punch your best friend, or it can be fun, ice breaker questions. I Gotta Go With… has 200 pop culture questions that all have numerous answers. Your job, if you want to win, is to come up with as many correct answers as you can. Movies, television, music, celebrities and a bit of sports- it’s all in there!

Actual I Gotta Go With… cards:
– Celebrities with the same last name but are not related.
– Movie titles that include a relative or family relation.
– Television show titles that do not include the letter E.
– A singer that had a great solo career after ditching the group.

Everyone will bring different answers to the table depending on their age, interests and background. This is what makes I Gotta Go With… so unique. Multiple generations can play together and be equally successful. I Gotta Go With… is also a game that will never date itself! The cards are so open ended that there are movies, shows, songs, etc. that have yet to be created that will one day be answers to the game. How many answers will you be able to recall to help your team? Will you object to your opponent’s answers? Get ready to smile, laugh and possibly argue as you unleash your ability to recall pop culture. Spin, pick a card and answer away! I Gotta Go With… is that easy to play. Pop Culture has never been this fun!

Available at www.igottagowith.com