¡Cantemos Todos Juntos! Spanish Songs for Children

Ages:0 - 12 yrs.

¡Cantemos todos juntos! is a rich musical collection of Spanish melodies for kids of all ages.

This music collection contains a playful mix of children and adult voices, accompanied by acoustic musical instruments. Children will dance to upbeat latin salsa rhythms, play instruments, sing favorite songs and learn traditional lullabies from Spanish-speaking countries.

The songs in this collection introduce children to Spanish vocabulary that includes numbers, animals, family and more.

¡Cantemos todos juntos! provides fun for everyone!


– Features the most popular songs from I’m Bilingual!’s first award-winning CD
– Melodies will appeal to students of Spanish as a second language as well as to Spanish speakers
– Includes children’s chorus, adult voices and children’s solos sung by native speakers
– Instrumental tracks to sing along at home or in the classroom
– English translation PDF and mp3 tracks of pronunciation for all songs available at imbilingual.com

Available online and at: https://music.apple.com/us/album/cantemos-todos-juntos/1127100775 – https://www.yolandaborras.com/spanishforchildren