Category: Giveaways

With stylistic nods to the Beatles, 1970s era Sesame Street, School House Rock, and “The Point” by Harry Nilsson, Why Why Why? celebrates a childlike wonder at the natural world, beginning with the first track, “Morning Song” and continuing with songs about where the moon goes, what the largest mammals on Earth are like, the lilting “Willow Tree” and the soothing “Stars” above.

As every parent knows, kids never tire of asking “Why Why Why,” and this title song goes a little further into its Beatles-esque refrain of: “These are the questions, questions of our lives. Sometimes the answers aren’t so clear.” Indeed, the spinning “Pinwheel” provides a cosmic set of questions. The falling “Helicopter Leaves” leads to soaring possibilities. The age-old question of long car trips is celebrated with the anthemic “Are We There Yet?” Even the busy marching “Ants” imagine a different life where they can “play in the grass all day, look up at the sky and dream away.”

To check out some of the fun tracks, click here.

We have some CDs to giveaway.

To be eligible to win a copy of Why Why Why?, email us at [email protected] with “Why Why Why Giveaway” in the title. Please supply your name, address, phone number and email address (so we can let you know if you are a winner).

The deadline for this giveaway is May 29, 2018.